What causes the center leaves of a recently potted plant to die off? Forget pests, this has nothing to do with them. I can repot 30 plants and after a couple weeks will notice that on two or three the center leaves have turned brown and died off. Now keep in mind that the leaves do start to grow then turn mushy brown from the tip to the stem.
More often than not the entire center will be lost. The plant itself is still healthy, but with no center, it will form multiple crowns or produce suckers. Okay, you still have a plant with which to start over from leaves or suckers. But it would have been much nicer to have the original plant that is already a good size in the first place.
I think Yukako has a chance of making it. Ma’s Winter Moon is very iffy. Sora's Munchie and
So, does this have to do with transplant shock? Is it because it was planted too deep? What?
Many thanks to Barb W. for the article and the great shots of the plants! Remember, send in comments!