Monday, October 17, 2011


It's time again for the African violet societies to have their fall Show and Sale at both Northtown Mall on October 21-22, 2011 and Bachman's Heritage Room October 22-23, 2011 on Lyndale in Minneapolis!

Come and see African violets and other Gesneriads in bloom and looking stunning!

Bachman's Heritage Room is at the main Bachman's store location at 6010 Lyndale Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota!

We always have knowledgeable folks with growing advice and answers to all those violet questions you might have!
Semi-minniature violets for sale - for those of you will limited space! Come by and say "hi"!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making a Natural Garden for a Show, Part 1

 Before beginning a natural garden, you have to select the proper plant material. Although it's not recommended, sometimes tasting it helps the "artist" get the feel for his masterpiece.

 Inspecting the plants sometimes includes checking if there are other interesting features about the plant, such as rhizomes.
Selecting the natural item for the base is important. Does it have pockets and spaces to plant in? Is it good looking? Is it something that you can "really get into"???
 Are there any mice in the crevices?
 When in doubt, check all the holes thoroughly, with both hands.
 Chew the extra bits off the back so that it will look good from all angles.
And finally, if you can really get into your work, it's probably going to look "smashing" at the show.

Stay tuned for planting the natural garden in part 2 of our series, and transporting it to show in part 3.

Special thanks to Walter for modeling and technical support.